Game of Thrones Characters as Coffee Drinks


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Game of Thrones Characters as Coffee Drinks

As the nation’s favorite show is drawing to a close in season 8, Game of Thrones fans everywhere are yearning to hold on to their favorite characters.

Each season eliminates more and more characters, but they are forever memorialized as coffee drinks in this post. If you have ever wondered what kind of drink all of your favorite GOT characters would be, look no further!

Jon snow—Latte


Jon Snow is one of the most important and widely loved characters on GOT, and so is the latte. Both are generally simple, trustworthy, and get the job done. A combination of espresso (1/3) and steamed milk (2/3), this drink is a calming and delightful start to the day. The top is usually decorated with intricate leaf patterns or hearts just as Snow has made his way into the hearts of millions with his beautiful exterior and warm interior.

Danearys Targaryen—Blonde Café Americano


This drink is seemingly sweet and light, but packs an enormous amount of caffeine. While initially creamy and easy to drink down, give it 20 minutes until you are getting the shakes from this powerful coffee drink. This drink is deceptive and strong, just like our mother of dragons, breaker of chains, the unburnt, protector of the realm… you get the idea.

Tyrion Lannister— Irish coffee


Irish Coffee is a combination of coffee, Irish Whiskey, and heavy cream. Tyrion, usually drowning in alcohol, perfectly embodies this boozy coffee drink. It provides the caffeine to get you productive enough to be the hand of the queen, the alcohol to add inappropriate jokes and remarks to any battle scene, and heavy cream to bring it all together in a fun and small package.

Sansa Stark— Espresso


Espresso is a building block for many coffee drinks just as Sansa has been a crucial base level character for the GOT series. The drink itself is concentrated coffee, made by forcing hot water into finely ground coffee powder. Just as this drink is made with pressure and results in something strong and punchy, Sansa’s current character was forged by all of the pressure and terrible events that have happened to hear throughout the show. This drink sees all, just as our beloved Sansa Stark.

Arya stark— Ristretto


Similar to espresso, ristretto is a stronger form of espresso that uses half the amount of water and extra fine coffee grounds to make an ultra-concentrated drink. Ristretto is very strong, stands on its own, and is pretty small. Could there be a better drink to link to Arya, our faceless woman? They both pack a serious punch and were made under pressure. The drink and Arya show resilience and power, even when matched with evil (or cream).

Night King/ White Walkers— Frappé


This icy drink blasts you full of sugar and, if drank too quickly, leaves you with a brain freeze. While Frappé might be momentarily fun to drink, the sugar high will inevitably lead you to a crash. The Night King, the leader of the wights (undead corpses), acts very similarly to the Frappé—it is incredibly cold, will definitely freeze your brain, and (SPOILER ALERT) is always defeated by stronger coffee drinks like ristretto.

Tormund Giantsbane— Mocha


Our beloved ginger giant is truly an amusing character. His relentless advances on Brienne of Tarth show the viewers his softer side, and his allegiance to Jon snow despite his being a wildling is commendable. Tormund, like the mocha, is sweet and possesses many layers—a chocolaty side standing for his passion, coffee standing for his strength, cream standing for his humor, and whipped cream on top because he is so over the top enthusiastic about literally everything. 

Brienne of Tarth— Cafe Cubano


Otherwise known as Cuban Espresso, this drink is a shot of espresso that is sweetened by whipped demerara sugar. The sugar floats at the top to resemble a layer of cream that is present in many other coffee drinks. This drink perfectly fits the characteristics of one of the strongest fighters in the show. Brienne is outwardly daunting and intense, much like espresso shots. However, once tasted, the drink transforms into something sweet, just as Brienne’s sweet side is apparent to those who she really allows to get to know her.

Ser Jaime (The Kingslayer) Lannister— Cold Brew


Cold brew is made by brewing coffee with cold water over a long-time frame, usually 12-24 hours. It is also much stronger than a normal coffee and has a less severe taste. Ser Jaime Lanister might appear to be another Lanister completely dedicated to his sister, but he is a much stronger and more complex character. His romance with Brienne and allegiance to his brother, Tyrion, give hive him the strength that this coffee possesses. Jaime also started out in the show as a villain, but with time, transformed into one of our favorite characters. His lengthy transformation resembles the brewing time of this cold coffee—long, but worth it.

Cersei Lannister— Dripped Eye


Cersei Lannister has and probably always will be the most hated character on Game Of Thrones. She is evil to her core and cares for nobody other than her herself and her children. The dripped eye is a coffee drink with three shots of espresso added to a regular cup of coffee. This drink is packed full of caffeine and is very concentrated and bitter. It has one purpose; to deliver a caffeine punch. Cersei and the dripped eye are both incredibly intense and strive for world domination… or just a good caffeine buzz.

Petyr (Littlefinger) Baelish— Nonfat iced skinny mocha with light ice, whipped cream, and chocolate drizzle


Not only is this drink confusing and somewhat ridiculous, it is also so annoying for both baristas and customers to order. The presence of coffee is muddied and confused by the complexity of its name, just as Littlefinger uses manipulative tactics to make sure he is always in the shadows. Arguably one of the best at playing the game of thrones, Lord Baelish and the nonfat iced skinny mocha with light ice, whipped cream, and chocolate drizzle spare no second pushing their agenda and annoying viewers. Please, do not order this drink in a coffee shop.

Samwell (Sam) Tarly— Black Coffee


Black coffee is the most basic of the coffee drinks. Just like Sam, it is dependable, and always there for you in a pinch. Black coffee is as rich in flavor as Sam is intelligent and caring. This coffee and character never go out of style, and for good reason! It is pure and good, something GOT has very little of these days.

Bran Stark— Tea


Finally, we make it to Bran Stark. Since his transformation to The Raven, he defies all coffee logic and transcends into his own being—tea. He is full of wisdom and absolutely devoid of emotion, and yet very complex. Bran definitely deserves his own category of drinks for his never-ending complexities.


Make your coffee fast before the next episode. Try ours here.

Waka Coffee & Tea