How to Make the Best Vegan Tiramisu with Instant Coffee


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The Waka Life Blog

How to Make the Best Vegan Tiramisu with Instant Coffee

Make a delicious coffee-flavored Italian Tiramisu, in an untraditional way. We created this quick recipe following the vegan diet and using our quality instant coffee. 

What is a Tiramisu?

speciality instant coffee recipe

The coffee-flavored traditional recipe means in Italian, literally, ''pick me up'' or ''lift me up.'' In its original form it is made with mascarpone, eggs, coffee, sugar, chocolate pieces and ladyfingers. The biscuits are dipped in the coffee and the mascarpone is mixed with the eggs and sugar. Some recipes call to substitute cocoa for chocolate. 

According to the article, The Trail of Tiramisu, by Jane Black, Washington Post newspaper, July 11, 2007, modern day version of tiramisu was first created by a restaurant in Treviso, located northwest of Venice on Italy’s northern Adriatic coast, called Le Beccherie. 

What is the vegan diet?

The vegan diet is defined as a way of living by excluding all forms of animal exploitation and cruelty. This includes avoiding animal products in food, clothing manufacture, furniture, etc. People who follow that diet avoid of all animal products, including meat, eggs and dairy.

There various reasons for someone to follow the vegan diet, such as environmental concerns and desire to improve health. 

Many people ask us if our instant coffee is vegan. While we do not hold any certification, our coffee is made from 100% coffee beans, without any additives, fillers, preservatives or sweeteners. 

How to make instant coffee vegan Tiramisu?



make delicious instant coffee recipe

  •  ½ cup walnuts
  • 1 cup almonds
  • 10 dates
  • 1 tbsp Waka Quality Instant Coffee
  • 2 tbsp cacao powder
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  •  a pinch of sea salt


can you make tiramisu vegan?

  • 1½ cup cashews
  • 10 dates
  • cup almond milk,
  • 4 tbsp cacao butter
  • 4 tbsp cacao powder
  • 2 tsp Waka Quality Instant Coffee     


the best quality instant coffee to buy right now

  • ¾ cup cashews
  • ¾ cup full-fat coconut milk
  • 3 tbsp coconut oil
  • 3 tbsp agave syrup
  • 1 tsp of vanilla extract


what is the best instant coffee to buy right now

  • Cacao powder
  • Cacao nibs


  1. Mix all base ingredients in a food processor until they are all stuck to each other
  2. With your fingers, pour the mix into an 8" springform pan. Press down into an even crust, going up a little over the edges
  3. Place in the freezer for 15 minutes
  4. Place all mousse ingredients in a food processor and mix until smooth and well-combined. Pour the mouse over the crust and place cake back in the freezer for additional 15 minutes
  5. Blend cream ingredients. Once the chocolate mousse has hardened, pour cream over the cake
  6. Keep the cake for 4 hours (or overnight) in the freezer
  7. Before serving, dust cacao powder on top and sprinkle with cacao nibs

Watch recipe video:


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