Simple Peppermint Iced Instant Tea Recipe


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Simple Peppermint Iced Instant Tea Recipe

You probably have seen peppermint everywhere during this holidays season, so why not combine it with a delicious iced tea as well? Check out the full recipe.

Peppermint is a spice that is almost always associated with the holiday season. It seems as if everywhere you turn there is some form of peppermint staring at you in the face; whether it be a smell in a store, a candy cane, or even peppermint foods and drinks.

the best iced tea with peppermint

Why peppermint during Christmas? Dating back centuries, it is believed that a choirmaster at Cologne Cathedral gave peppermint candy canes (or something similar to to the canes we are familiar with now) to the young children in church to keep them occupied. Years later, the candies became popular to hang on Christmas trees in the US as a decoration. Through this evolution of the candy, peppermint has been deeply associated with the holiday. Starting with the candy cane, additional mint flavored candies and foods were introduced over the years until it became one of the unofficial flavors of Christmas.


Peppermint leaves are known to provide health benefits that can help your body relieve tensions. For example, headache and migraine relief, relief from sinus congestion, and it can also help fight off infections. By adding peppermint to your tea, you not only exposed to the health benefits that associated to drinking tea, but also receive some of the benefits of peppermint as well.


simple iced instant tea recipe


  • 2 tbsp of Waka Instant Tea
  • 1/2 cup of boiled water
  • 3 1/2 cups of cold filtered water
  • 2-3 peppermint leaves
  • 2 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • Sugar (optional)


  1. Add the tea powder into a 2 quart heatproof pitcher and add in the boiling water over the tea.
  2. Stir for 20 seconds until all powder is fully dissolved in the water.
  3. Add the peppermint leaves and let it steep for 5 minutes. Remove leaves from the pitcher afterwards. 
  4. Stir in lemon juice and honey, then add the cold water.
  5. Stir and adjust flavors as wanted (more tea powder/ sugar/ honey/ etc.)
  6. Chill in the fridge and serve over ice. Garnish with lemon slices if desired. Enjoy!


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